Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Stronghold and foundation - the pillar of balance. Even a towering man of
bronze skin with a six-foot-four frame will turn to her in time of need. She flesh of my flesh...molded to curvaceous and voluptuous
perfection by the hands of The Most High Himself. Long, curly locks with
enticing lashes guarding sparkling oval eyes which give insight to what the
mind is thinking. High cheekbones and, oh! The lips...the lips of a woman
are a unique aphrodisiac that serves as a key to the heart's lock. Neck to
the shoulder; shoulder to the fingertips. So delicate and fragile yet still
firm and deliberate in architecture. Curves everywhere - bosom to backside.
Hips with dips. All the way to the base of her precious frame where polish
covers the extremity of nails. She is nature....she is nurture. Babes suckle life and are coddled through fear and discomfort. Friends will cry on her shoulder..and she will cry with them...and perhaps share a laugh for closure. She tells you the truth before you lose your way in the clouds...She reassures you when you're afraid to aim for the clouds. Her passion for the little things draws you closer until your curves compliment one another in unity. She is shy and she is brave. She is strong and she is delicate. Flesh of my flesh. I am man. She is woman and I love her dearly.

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