Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Hour...

"Foolishness! Insolence! The hour has arrived! They want signs. I've given them numerous signs! What better sign than the air they breathe, the food they taste...My Heavens and earth which they cast their eyes upon every day. Earthly leaders claim My allegiance while seeking their own glory! I've delivered an entire people out of bondage, charging oppressors ten plagues and then to split a sea...only to have those saved worship false gods. I have given every gift and heard every prayer and granted favor to Holy men whose teachings serve as a light to all yet most run towards the darkness. I have given them my only begotten Son and what have they done with him? Oh yes, the weeping and gnashing of teeth shall commence. It is written "No man knows the hour, not even the Son" yet myriads flock to the concept of trying to calculate my arrival! Foolishness! Archangels! To your positions! Send the Seven to pour out the Seven Bowls of Anger upon the four corners of the earth as it is written...."
and so it began....

And so the angel Valtheniache appeared to me upon awakening. In my bed I was paralyzed but was able to vaguely see what was before me. My blinds were closed so the light coming through the edges of the window was minimal at best. The being that stood before me was almost transluscent with wings spanning the entire width of the small room. At the tips of his white wings were steel spikes as he was adorned in a warrior's accoutrement with a seal of a golden lion on the chest plate. The sword he wielded contained runes inscribed on the blade which appeared to glow in a pulsating fashion as if imbued with flame. The top of his head surpassed the nine-foot ceiling and had to duck slightly. The next thing he spoke to me changed the rest of my life. He merely said, "There is work to do."
